Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brats, Beach, GLEE!!

Life has been full of small joys lately. The weather, while far from "Fall", has turned dry rather than humid. Temps are still in the high 80s, but if I close my eyes the breeze almost makes me believe it is autumn. Also, Edwin and I discovered "Simply Apple" juice which reminds me of cider straight from the orchards. Ah, simple joys.

Another big joy: This GLEE t-shirt that arrived in the mail last week!!! I've worn it 3 times since I got it (on Thursday). Thanks Mom!!!!!

On Friday night Edwin made beer brats. (An upside of summer-like temps: cook outs in October.) He used Octoberfest beer and put onions and red peppers with the meat as it boiled, which turned out to be an excellent combination! They were delicious. We enjoyed our feast in Edwin's backyard/orchard.

On Saturday we went to the beach, which was awesome. Edwin and I bought boogie boards and had a great time with them. It wasn't the best day for it, as the waves were small.... but we wore ourselves out trying to catch the perfect wave! It reminded me of family vacay's! After the beach we went to Padre Brewing Company for dinner. We lucked out and got Octoberfest beer that had finished brewing that day! It was awesome! The food was good too... we got Wisconsin cheese curds that could rival Culver's.

I don't have to teach this week because Edwin's kids are taking district exams... Good for me, stressful for him! This weekend we are going to Houston to see Edwin's family AND to see Sugarland & Little Big Town in concert! I am beyond excited! Stay tuned!


  1. Ahhh...large joys reading a blog entry from my daughter!! Love the shirt, very cute on you. i'm glad for brats, boogie boards, chef Edwin, and great things to look forward to. Love you lots, Mom

  2. ok one other little comment, had to giggle at the wine with the beer brats!!!!

  3. love the Glee shirt!! looks like a yummy meal!
