Thursday, February 17, 2011

TFA Summit

This past weekend Edwin and I went to good-ol' Washington D.C. for TFA's 20th Anniversary Summit. Knowing Edwin and me, we were most excited about the chance to eat great food, be in a city, and see friends (Erin)! The Summit was great too, though. Edwin chatted with some potential employers in Denver, I went to an informational panel on college access, and we saw some sweet famous people (Edwin was in a session with Malcolm Gladwell and Gloria Steinum). Here are some photos!!! I'm going to recruit Edwin to post about our culinary experiences in D.C.- we went to a mouth-watering Italian restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day and it has inspired us to try making gnocchi this weekend. Stay tuned!!

We were excited to be there. Actually, at this moment we were waiting for John Legend to perform. Pretty pumped.
Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, thinks TFA (and therefore Edwin and I) is great.
OOOO John Legend!!! He is a TFA Board Member (not to mention Grammy award winning performer). He sang 3 songs while backed up by a KIPP Middle School orchestra from NYC. It was pretty stellar. I'm sure it was the highlight of those kids' lives!!!
These kids were unflappable- not star struck or anything, just kept on playin.
B-ROCK made an appearance! Via pre-recorded message.


  1. Wow Chel, this looked like a fun weekend!Can't wait to hear about the food too! love Mom

  2. By the way, I really like Edwin's tie! Love Mary

  3. Arne Duncan looks like a babe.
